

Video of Talk-event of "the NAKED human art" in vARTe Exhibition Hall 2018

Video af foredrag-event af "det NØGNE menneske" i Kunsthal vARTe 2018

Published Date 11/4 - 2018

Beskrivelse:Video fra vores 333 m2 store kunstudstilling "Det nøgne menneske" i Kunsthal vARte, Varde 2018. Der har været foredrag i kunsthallen - det gik godt!

På denne video ses Kim Bindesbøll Andersen i færd med sit anderledes foredrag. Folk syntes det var interessant og sikke en masse relevante spørgsmål og en god diskussion... diskussionen tog en halv time efter foredraget. Der var godt 20 personer. I kølvandet på foredraget blev der solgt kunst og lavet aftaler om undervisning på egnen i fremtiden.

Description: Video from our 333 m2 big art exhibition "The NAKED human Art" in the Exhibitionhall vARTe in Varde, Denmark. There has been a talk in the exhibitionhall-it went well! On this video is seen Kim Bindesbøll Andersen in the process with its different talk.People thought it was interesting and what a lot of relevant issues and a good discussion ... the diskussion was about half an hour long. There were more than 20 people. In the wake of the talk were sold art and made agreements on education in the region in the future.


Kim Bindesbøll Andersen er ingenør og tidligere formand for Danske Naturister og har i en årrække vakt røre med sit foredrag. Han kan foredragets kunst. Nu er der kommet endnu et opsigtsvækkende foredrag fra hans hånd som det er muligt at booke til udstillingen. Hemmeligheder om nøgenhed medfølger og det er umuligt at forklare sig ud af Kims usædvagenlige foredrag - det skal opleves. Men en ting er sikkert. Man kommer op af stolen som tilskuer og bliver prøvet på sin blufærdighed og egne grænser for nøgenhed. Dette er ikke et almindeligt foredrag - det er provokerende kunst!

Video of "the NAKED human art" in vARTe Exhibition Hall, Varde, Denmark 2018

Video af "det NØGNE menneske" i Kunsthal vARTe, Varde, Danmark 2018

Published Date 11/4 - 2018

Beskrivelse:Video fra vores 333 m2 store kunstudstilling "Det nøgne menneske" i Kunsthal vARte, Varde efter lukketid så man rigtigt kan høre komponist Alfredo Moreleons musik til Lotte Kjøllers "I begyndelsen var billedet" som spreder sig ud over hele udstillingen. Denne video er optaget udenfor Kunsthallens åbningstid så lyden rigtig kan komme til sin ret og derfor er videoen lige så lang som musikken - det betyder at der ikke er publikum i kunsthallen der kan larme - men det betyder også at publikum er borte fra billedet.

Description: Video from our 333m2 art exhibition "The Naked Human Art" in vARte Exhibitionhall, Warned after closing time, so you can really listen to composer Alfredo Moreleon's music to Lotte Kjøller's "In the beginning was the picture" which spreads throughout  all the exhibitionhall. This video is recorded outside the Exhibitionhall´s opening hours so the sound can really come into its own and that is why the video as long as the music-it means that there is no audience in the Arts Hall who can bellow – but it also means that the audience is gone from the picture.


Creating and playing music is also art. And we have a good collaboration with both composer Alfredo Moreleon and the musician Lars Frantsen. It has, among other things, resulted in a joint work of art.


Lars Frantsen is the musician who accompanies composer Alfredo Moreleôn's beautiful soundtrack or different music created and composed for and by Alfredo to the painter Lotte Kjøller's installation "In the beginning was the picture" with the paintings "Starry Sky", "Carried" and "Michael" in the same order on his guitar. Alfredo Moreleon is from Mexico and educated at the music conservatory there. He has lived in Denmark for many years. Lars has been an autodidactic musician for many years and he has together with Alfredo created a compass on live guitar for Lottes Kjøller's work that can be performed during the celebration of our exhibition. This takes about 15 min. After the 15 min. can Lars continue with his own repetition.

Alfredo Moreleón, Composer, was born in México in 1948.Residing in Køge, Denmark since 1981. Married with his Danish wife Inger "Detlow" and they have 2 adult children. He began his musical studies at an early age at the Conservatorio Nacional de la Ciudad de México and continued his studies as a self taught up to today, because, as he says: Music will be a never finished study. During the years he has written music for Orchestra, string ensemble, theatre, cinema, musicals, ballet and other forms of musical endeavors. He has his music Studio in Køge where Lotte Kjoeller has grown up and they consider each other as father and daughter. Of this love is the installation created.


See the process with the installation and listen to the music her at this link.



Guitarist Lars Frantsen is an artistic musician academic mann who performs solo with professional entertainment on classical guitar. So if you should use quiet, classical music and gentle instrumental blues, you can enjoy background music while you eat, keeping reception or artexhobits, look here!


When Lars plays his guitar, he does it professionally and beautifully but discreet and subdued. It's mostly instrumental tracks as f. Ex. Back, Bethoven, Spanish flamenco to classical guitar, gentle blues etc. Lars plays, but he also sings. So if you have an event where you want to have quiet, beautiful and gentle music, and you like the classical guitar, this is for you. It has been found to be excellent for many kinds of artexhibits where the classical, quiet tones complement the art on the wall really nice.



Being natural when you're naked is good for self-confidence and could benefit to many people.


Her kan du se dokumtar fra vores croquisevent på SAK kunstbygning i Svendborg med kvindelig model, Danmark 2017. Udstillingen var i det hele taget virkelig godt besøgt og der var mange som det ses af billederne, der deltog i croquisevent som lå som en happening under ferniseringen. Deltagerne var både mænd og kvinder unge som gamle. Det vakte folks nysgerrighed og man kunne høre fra de gæster der havde vovet sig ind i lokalet for at se udstillingen samtidig at det var lidt provokende og tankevækkende at se på kunst i et rum hvor der findes et nøgent menneske - men at det var meget relevant. For det er jo sådan kunstnerne selv gør sagde man. Der blev tegnet mange fine tegninger og nogle af dem ses her på siden.

Ledet af: Jeff Ibbo og Lars Kræmmer


Here you can see the dokumtar from our croquis event at SAK Exhibitionhall in Svendborg, Denmark.The exhibition was generaly well attended and there were many as can be seen from the pictures, who attended the event which was as a croquis happening during the opening.The participants were both men and women, young and old.It aroused people's curiosity and you could hear from the customers who had ventured into the room to see the exhibition at the same time that it was a little provocative and thought-provoking to look at art in a room where there is a naked person -but that it was very relevant.For the fact is the artists themselves do was said.There was made many noce drawings and some of them can be seen on this site.


Der var croquisevent i Kunsthal vARTe´s Atelier hvor Lotte Kjøller arbejdede imens hun passede udstillingen med "det NØGNE menneske" i Kunsthal vARTe i Varde. Der var 11 personer der tegnede og mandlig model. Søndag kom nogle igen for at tegne selvom det ikke var planlagt som det ses her - der var stort behov. Croquis var de ikke vant til her men alle byens kreative kom. Vi har rørt noget i Varde og eventen fik stedets tegnende til at tale sammen om at arrangere croquistegning i byen bagefter

- de som aldrig havde talt sammen om det før og tegnet i hvert sit hus og alle savnede det. At tegne et nøgent menneske og stå frem som nøgen er noget helt uhørt her - man taler ikke om det. Og vi har gjort det! Så pressen kom og vi fik en fuldsidet 2 sidet artikel mest om begivenheden i Jydske Vestkysten og i mange netaviser fra hele Jylland. Nyheden spredte sig hurtigt. Men det viser bare at events også er kunst. Artiklen som netversion kom helt fra Varde til Lemvig og Fyn dvs. snart hele Jylland.

Ledet af: Lotte Kjøller


There was croquisevent in the Artiststudeo where Lotte Kjoeller is working while she fits the exhibition with "the NAKED human ART" in the vARTe Exhibitionhall in Varde all April 2018.There were 11 people who subscribed. Some came back Sunday after Lottes invitation to draw even though it was not planned. They are not accustomed to here but the city's creative people came.The characters end gave expression to our exhibition is a breath of fresh air in their city and they enjoyed the art. Some say that it is a long time ago that so good art has been in the city. We've touched something in Varde and the event got the participations to talk together to arrange the croquis drawing in the city afterwards -those who had never spoken about it before and all missed it.They are happy to "be shaken a little" and that they want to join us. People talks about us in the city. To draw a naked man and stand as naked is something unique here -we're not talking about it. And we've done it! So the press came and we got a full page 2 sided article mostly about the event in the Jutlands Jydske Vestkysten newspaper and in many internetnewspapers from all over Jutland.  But it just goes to show that events are also art. It is not accustomed in Varde. It is a bomb affectionately. The article as Internet version came entirely from Varde to Lemvig and Fyn it means all Jutland.


Croquisevent med Jeff ibbo som leder i Pakhuset, Nykøbing Sj samt mandlig og kvindelig model. Eventen var efterfølende fernisering for lukkede døre. Der var 20 tegnende med tegnere helt fra København men også fra Nykøbing og omegn.

ENG: Croquis event with Jeff ibbo as head of Pakhuset, Nykoebing Sj. The event was a successive opening for closed doors. There were 20 drawings with painters all the way from Copenhagen but also from Nykøbing and surroundings.
